Brighton Marina to Pier

Enjoy the walk one way, then catch the Volks Electric Railway back.

A brilliant option for a family outing! Suitable for pedestrians and all types of wheels - there's a playground + cafe half-way to incentivise those with littler legs! Better still, parking is free for up to 4 hours!
Free activities en-route:
Skim stones on the beach
Frolic in the playground
Head to the Palace Pier for great views over the seafront
Chargeable activities en-route (see map for location):
Play a round of Adventure Golf
Ride on the narrow-guage heritage railway
Experience some of the rides at the end of the Palace Pier
A brilliant option for a family outing! Suitable for pedestrians and all types of wheels - there's a playground + cafe half-way to incentivise those with littler legs! Better still, parking is free for up to 4 hours!
Free activities en-route:
Skim stones on the beach
Frolic in the playground
Head to the Palace Pier for great views over the seafront
Chargeable activities en-route (see map for location):
Play a round of Adventure Golf
Ride on the narrow-guage heritage railway
Experience some of the rides at the end of the Palace Pier


Brighton Marina Car Park, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5UT
Free parking at Marina for up to 4 hours

1.5 miles each way (linear route - turn around when you wish)
All day, every day

The walk follows a wide, flat, promenade (with dedicated cycle lane).
Toilets are located in the Marina Village (a fair distance from the multi-storey car park), playground and pier (refer to map).
Numerous fish & chip shops and snack kiosks can be found in the vicinity of the pier. A cafe is also located adjacent to the playground.
It is worth noting that one of the first beaches you come to after the Marina is for naturists. You probably don't want to make the same mistake as us and go on to this beach to skim stones with your family :-) A big mound at the back of the beach obscures bathers from pedestrians on the main path.
Dogs are not permitted on the pier, nor on the beaches in this area from 1 May to 30 September.
Prefer a quieter walk? It's possible to walk in the opposite direction (from the Marina) towards Rottingdean/Saltdean on the Undercliff Path.