Pooh Bridge

There is a lovely wooden playground in the centre of Hartfield.

Enjoy an 'Expotition' to the world-famous Poohsticks Bridge, where the game was first christened.
Play Poohsticks where the game was invented!
Wheel friendly woodland path
Den building
Enjoy an 'Expotition' to the world-famous Poohsticks Bridge, where the game was first christened.
Play Poohsticks where the game was invented!
Wheel friendly woodland path
Den building


Chuck Hatch Lane, Hartfield, East Sussex, TN7 4EX (approx.)
Charges apply

Choose from 1.6 km or 5.6 km
Walking possible all day, every day.

There are two routes to choose from:
1) All-access path to Pooh Bridge (1.6km)
2) Walk to Hartfield Village via Pooh Bridge (5.6 km). Hartfield village is exactly half way.
Option 1:
Take the path leading from the car park into the woods. Remain on this path for approximately 20 minutes until you reach Pooh Bridge (there are 'bridge' waymarks along the way). The compacted stone path is reasonably smooth and is generally wheel-friendly, although there are a couple of slopes (one steepish).
NB: The path on the other side of the bridge can become quite muddy and is not wheel friendly. After a few games of Poohsticks, turn around and return to the car park the way you came.
Option 2:
If your family are up for a much longer 'Expotition', it is possible to continue walking beyond the bridge, to the quaint village of Hartfield. The route is fairly straight forward (see map) and is waymarked. Narrow paths, mud, fields and kissing gates mean this route can only be completed on foot (though it is dog-friendly).
NB: The final 0.5 km of the route is on pavements beside a 'B' road.
Whichever route you choose, the pretty village of Hartfield (5 mins drive from Pooh car park) is well-worth a visit. The High Street here is home to Pooh Corner (where Christopher Robin bought his sweets as a child) as well as a lovely playground. Now a gift shop and tea room, Pooh Corner stocks a vast array of Pooh memorabilia and is visited by Pooh Fans from all over the world. Click here for further details.
NB: There are no public toilets in Hartfield.
Both routes are dog-friendly. Please pick up after your dog.